dance danza contemporary choreography art arte





dance danza contemporary choreography art arte


Francesco Mangiapane was born in Florence in 1987.

After completing an initial training at Balletto di Toscana, he perfected himself at the National Dance Academy (Rome), obtaining a degree in dance disciplines with the project titled - Chroma Key - exhibited at the Treespace Gallery (London).


Dance in choreography by: Ismael Ivo, Alessandro Bigonzetti, Ranko Yokoyama, Joseph Fontano and other famous choreographers on the international scene.


Teacher of contemporary dance technique and choreographic composition since 2006, he collaborates with some of the most prestigious Italian and foreign training realities.


In 2021 he founded Rame dance phylum, a creative project within which to promote and experiment with his own dance language, which is enriched thanks to the collaboration with young Italian musicians and dancers.

Created for the company - Mormora - (Choreographic only '21 Tunisia) and

- De Causis Naturae -


dance danza contemporary choreography art arte


Her training began at a very young age with the study of classical dance at
Danzarte, Agliana, directed by Elisabetta Bresci, then deepened the study
of contemporary dance with Francesco Mangiapane.
Dance within the dance-theater company Aleph by Paola Scopettuolo, Amorìa by Francesco Mangiapane and Cicatrici by Romina Zangirolami and in Spain for the CobosMika company of Peter Mika and Olga Cobos.
He moved to Catania for the MODEM course - codici gestuali directed by Roberto Zappalà.
In 2020 she performs with Sentire quel mare in Bolzano for the Summer Festival al Pippo.
Currently engaged with RAME dance phylium and other projects scheduled for summer 2021.

dance danza contemporary choreography art arte



She starts her studies approaching ballet, contemporary dance, lyrical-
jazz and hip-hop and she broadens her knowledge attending singing and acting courses.
She has receveid several awards and scholarships inlcuding one for the Broadway Dance Center of New York. Later she continues her studies in Rome at the National Dance Academy where she graduates with an MFA in Contemporary Dance Teaching and Education. In Pamplona, at La Faktoria Choreographic Center, she studies also Flying Low Technique and Contact improvisation working with international choreographers such as J. Agudo, L. Aris, L. Aldaz Arrieta, C. Larraz, J.Sanchez Ruiz.
Over the years she has experiences in national television, cinema but expecially in theatre through Italy, Holland and Spain, performing works by: G. Rochelle, M. Cunningham, C. Caponera, T. Candeloro, M. Coronado, I. Mata Cruz, J. Fontano, D. Verga, M. Pogliani e E. Piperno, for whom she becomes assistant.